Free Distant Healing Service

Distant healing can balance your metabolism,  accelerate cell regeneration, cure common ailments, and can even cure cancer.

All at the price of free.

What do we get out of it?

More practice improves our healing ability.

How can you receive our services?

Simply leave a reply requesting a healing session at the following email and further instructions will be provided:

The healing session is free.

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The Life Energy Network

The Life Energy Network

…also known as the Prana System, Chakra System, and the Meridian System

The Life Energy Network is a system of energy pathways that run throughout the body. This system is responsible for regulating the flow of a type of energy I’ll refer to with the culture neutral term “Life Energy.” This system can be visualized as a grid that runs along the body which has between 361 and 400 focus points – the number differs depending on which a doctor treats during an examination.

Image source URL:

Many illnesses and injuries can be traced to an imbalance in this grid – as both cause either a broken flow of energy or points along the grid to be blocked.

Once the flow along this system is corrected, people find their health improve almost instantly. Energy Healers capable of transferring energy from the universe can transfer this Universal Energy into a patient, dramatically improving the patient’s regeneration rate.

Advanced Energy Healers can see a person’s life energy network, some can look inside of patients with a kind of painless X-ray vision, and a few can even heal a person just by looking at them – beams of healing energy emit from certain Healers’ eyes.

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An Introduction

What you probably don’t know about your health.

I read a report in the New York Times about how members of the American clergy are suffering from “obesity, hypertension and depression at higher rates than most Americas.”

The article didn’t make any sense to me. Even student level monks in Eastern faiths know that the mentioned illnesses are the result of an imbalance in the body’s life energy network, and these monks know simple methods for curing and preventing these illnesses.

There are even people who’ve been gifted with the ability to heal others both in person and across great distances. So what is the problem then that prevents Americans from knowing how to cure simple illnesses with harmless methods? Why are people suffering when they don’t have to?

It’s almost like some Americans’ suffering is intentional, handed down upon them by the people who claim to want to heal them. Of this, I’ve come to suspect that American “health care” is indeed intentionally hurting people by (1) not telling people the (full) truth about how their bodies function and (2) hospitals drain people and children of their life energy when they visit – ever notice people get sick just from visiting a hospital?

My solution to this crisis is to help people realize the truth of how their bodies function, and to encourage people to question doctors about alternative medicine choices.

Next Article: The Life Energy Network

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Your Health

An Introduction

What you probably don’t know about your health…

The Life Energy Network within the Body

The Life Energy Network is a system of energy pathways that run throughout the body.

Free Distant Healing Service

Distant healing can balance your metabolism,  accelerate cell regeneration, cure common ailments, and can even cure cancer.

All at the price of free.

What do we get out of it: more practice improves our healing ability.

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A different kind of Superman

How does the world expect to be saved?

Does the world expect to be saved?

Given my personal interactions with the supernatural world, I feel that mainstream society has at least the smallest expectation that something “from above” will arrive to save them – for they go to church in large numbers.

But even if the traditional Superman arrived, his presence wouldn’t solve this world’s problems, his presence would signify the arrival of an alien tyrant.

For all of Superman’s powers are keyed toward physically suppressing human behavior, his powers are only effective in a world where people believe the root of their problems lie in the physical realm.

The Superman of DC comics is the Super-Caveman: dominant not because of his ability to solve a society’s problems, but because of humankind’s inability to see that its problems are intellectual.

Is it any wonder then that Superman’s archenemy is often an intellectual?

And is it any wonder that “magic” is one of Superman’s only weaknesses?

“Magic,” the notion that the world can be altered with the intellect to a degree that defies traditional thinking and with mental tools that ignore the laws of science.

I use this analogy to explain why the world is the way it is today, or to attempt to explain at least.

As a person with a large degree of supernatural ability, it occurs to me that my talents may very well have come about as the result of the world calling out for help.

Though there are complicated reasons as for why supernatural help is not reaching through to people.

The simplest reason being that Evil is at work, and even worst: people trust evil way more than they should.

Though it’s up those who can counter evil to do so, and perhaps those with powers “from up above” or elsewhere to use them to do so, to save the world as a different kind of super-man, one who solves the intellectual problems of society with supernatural means.

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How the healing ability actually works:

As it may or not have come to your attention, there are people who can heal nearly all illness or forms of injury just by thinking about it.

What you probably don’t know is the proper method.

I’ve come to realize that new generations of American children may grow up to find they can manipulate the ether in various ways, and healing is one of those ways. What those children don’t have is a proper education on what they’re going through, and pop education almost always gets the healing ability wrong, so I’m writing this in hopes that young people who attempt this can start to understand what they’re doing.

Step 1: If you don’t have a halo, don’t even try to heal people.

Understanding the proper method would start with understanding that if you can’t draw life energy through the top of your head, you should immediately stop trying to heal people.

I haven’t encountered this type personally, but it seems like there are people who can heal others but who don’t have a halo. The non-mystical understanding of the halo is that it is a biological-ether component which allows you to draw life energy into your system through the top of your head. Without this, healers just end up draining their own energy, which is a bad idea.

Step 2: You don’t have to point your hand at them to heal. While we’re at it, don’t point your left hand at them…

The comic books always show people pointing their hands to direct healing energy. This is one method, and it makes sense because people who shoot beams of energy from their hands usually point them to direct the beam.

A mistake new healers will probably make is pointing their absorption hand at people. Doing this may draw their energy into your heart chamber, which hurts really really bad. And you may also end up absorbing their illness. If you don’t know what I mean, just imagine that there is one hand that emits a beam of energy, and one hand that absorbs energy, though some people can switch polarity at will, absorbing from both or emitting from both  – this should be the end goal for any lightworker.

My main point here is that you don’t have to point anything at anyone to heal them, you can do this just by thinking. It works over great distances, and you don’t drain your energy when you do this. High level monks can heal 10,000 people at once with distance healing – though by that point you wouldn’t need to read this.

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Where to start

Oh, learning the truth about the world is journey that, at the present, can only be made by a genuine desire to know the truth. When you have this desire, you discover new things that are not considered popular opinion, and thus are not talked about. If you’re a skeptic and you have no plain on changing your mind, then you remain cut off from the truth, and that’s that.

But I can start you on the path:

(1) Start researching the “meridian” or “chakra” system. This is concept ignored by Western medicine and openly embraced by Eastern medicine.

Look at the structure of how it works, and study the more esoteric features of people who activate their meridian system and you’ll start to encounter phenomenon documented with empirical data not explained by science.

(2) Research “starseeds,” Indigo people, and walk-ins. The initial searches will take you from there. And feel free to leave comments with specific questions.

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We’re going through some changes.

There are self help books which provide absolutely no insight into the esoteric world that some of us find ourselves in…and then there is genuine advice, as people tend to seek out when going through dramatic change.

But when your changes involve things like super-hearing, time travel, eye transformations and a broad range of features which are believed to be fictional but you know are true, there aren’t many clear-cut sources that explain these things.

What I and other writers provide here is the the latter. Thus whether you’re psychic, super-powered, or a demi-god, this blog seeks to find answers to questions which have no clear answers.

There are of course those who know the answers to our questions, but this blog is more for those in newer generations that haven’t yet stumbled upon what’s known and speculated on the more esoteric and often secret part of our lives.

The format of the blog will provide posts and pages for:

(I) Theoretical solutions to common esoteric situations

(II) Analysis of esoteric topics in cultural context

(III) What science has to say on the matter

The first section (I) is easy enough to explain: some of us face certain problems that may not have a well known solution.
Example: What do you do when you start seeing shadow people? What makes our eyes transform? Or what happens when you step through a portal?

The second section (II) places our experiences in a cultural context to show how these topics have existed long before us, thus allowing us to trace how people have dealt with them throughout different ages.

And lastly, we cannot forget science. While the skeptical will be quick to produce an explanation that keeps them comfortable, many of us with firsthand esoteric experiences can tell that science is woefully wrong at times, if not blatantly erroneous in its assumptions…Though it is an area of thought which still should be considered and improved upon, and thus the third section seeks to do so.

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